Posts tagged ‘Taiji’

No one knows exactly how we think, therefore we never really know anything.

Void State

No one knows exactly how we think, therefore we never really know anything. I will live ’till I die. Your mind is your own monster. My favorite thing to do, is to close my eyes and forget I even exist.

A famous Taoist immortalist named Qian Lou, once said:
“Not disturbed by poverty or lowliness;
not hurried by wealth and status’.
The epitome of that saying is here,
In the likes of this man!
He entertains his mind
with intoxication and poetry;
is he not of the clan of Mr. Mindless?”

Becoming a realized being.


When we are completely present, it’s not possible to be thinking. If you are completely present, it’s not possible to be thinking about memories or fantasizing about things to come. I feel that love is a natural response when in this state because you begin to notice the synchronicity of everything/all beings.

Fear is the root of all negativity and behind any negative reaction. Fear causes doubt. With doubt, there is confusion. With confusion, there is more of an entropic effect in the sense of a measure of the disorder or chaotic randomness.

Fear can be incited by another, or ones own personal fear can affect others, sometimes unintentionally even. The only way to find clarity of mind is by eliminating all fear at its source and in the absence of fear, there is a trust that becomes implicit over time.

The more confirmations one receives that are understood, which prove trusting in the spirit of The Way is possible, the more trust just becomes implicit and one begins to naturally feel love, compassion and trust in the spirit of The universal Way of nature and reality. This is called becoming a realized being.

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